This bag is definitely a must have, imagine a three-in-one style bag: it can be worn on the back, on the shoulder and it can be hand-held plus inside we can find a small lion river and a heart shape patch based on Cara´s heart tattoo. Wow!
Off course that at the end the price will probably be not as cool as Cara is but that’s what we get for these kind of precious collaborations.
Beautiful bags!!!
Nas primeiras fotografias não me pareceram nada de especial, mas nas fotografias só das carteiras...que lindas :o
Apesar de não gostar particularmente da Cara, tenho que reconhecer que tem muito carisma!! As carteiras são lindas!!
Love her.
Ela está sempre tão gira que chateia :p
Gorgeous bags. Cara is also stunning but that goes without saying.