Christmas is coming #4

Last minute shopping ideas

Check my favorites gifts when I’m out of ideas or when I realize I still have friends lets in my list.
I’ve been a very very good girl this Christmas. I always end up with one or two last minute gifts to buy but this year I finished earlier than ever. 
I know how it is though when we want to buy a present but we have no clue what to get.
I’m sharing with you girls some last minute ideas, that to me are not only last minute deals, but as well things I usually buy because are cheap, easy to find, and useful.

A cute box: 
There is always utility for a box especially if you’re a woman. Plus you can always put a chocolate inside or a tea bag just to make it more personal.

Make-up purse:
There is always space in any handbag for one more make-up bag. I bet your friend will find it useful even if she already has one, or two, or three…

I love candles and it’s the perfect gift for a friend who already has everything. Who doesn’t like candles right?

I know everybody uses smartphones nowadays but a cute planner will always look good at the work desk. 

Handbag organizer:

When I first got my handbag organizer I didn’t like it so much but honestly now I can’t live without it. So, make your friends a favor!

I have a lot and its one of my favorite gifts. Try to make it personal if possible. It’s funny, cheap and always useful. 


It’s always the fast solution. Run to H&M, Zara or any other store and get a cozy scarf. I can have hundreds and I’m sure your friend too. 


  1. Fizeste-me rir com a do haver sempre uma utilidade para uma caixa, sobretudo se formos mulheres xD A minha mãe está sempre a comprar caixinhas e mais caixinhas!

  2. Excelentes ideias de última hora! Eu sou fã de todo tipo de caixas!
    Feliz natal! Beijinhos

  3. Boas ideas, caixas para arrumos são sempre necessárias.

  4. Boas ideias!!! Eu cá sou fã das canecas, toda a gente gosta de canecas, e agora existem para todos os gostos e feitos :) Adorei mesmo as sugestões!

  5. GREAT ITEMS ! ;D happy christmas ! :D
