Monday, 22 December 2014

My Christmas Tag

Check my first tag post! Yay!

Hello there, here is my first tag post. Check my answers and get to know me a little bit more!

I want to thank Susana, from the blog Made by Uss that tagged me into this challenge. I don’t ever do this kind of things but I love her blog and she is a sweetie so here it is…

1: Say thanks to the blog that challenged you

2: Answer the 12 questions.
3: Challenge 12 bloggers do to this tag post

Let´s go…

1: Artificial or natural Christmas tree?
Artificial, it’s not easy to find natural trees and I’m against the tree cuts only for the season


Christmas with snow or sun?
I like it with cold but sunny

3: Wait for the morning or open presents in the 24 at midnight?
I’ve always opened at the 24th at midnight what is a little odd to my husband, in America they open the presents in the 25th.

4: Which movie you love to watch in Christmas?
I think the one I´ve watched the most was “home alone” but we try to stay chatting instead of watching TV.

Christmas Songs in the mall while shopping. Yes or no?
Nooooo it get on my nerves!!

Whats your Christmas look? Pajamas or dress all pretty?
I like to dress all pretty and normally it’s a day I like to wear something new.

What is your favorite christmas food?
I love the codfish, so traditional here in Portugal, but I also love turkey.

8: what’s your Christmas wish this year?
I told more or less what i would like to get, but like everyone the most important thing is having my love ones with me and safe.


9: You plan in advance your Christmas shopping or is always in the last  minute?
I plan but I end up always leaving one or two for the last minute

10: Do you dress as Santa?
No but maybe one days if I have kids

11: What’s your favorite Christmas song?
Last Christmas from Wham

12: Where are you spending your Christmas?
With my close family at my parents house.

And here are the blogs challenged for this tag!! Tcharammmmm

Beleza deMulher & Mãe 
A Gata deSaltos Altos 
My Kind of Joy 
Cosa Mi Metto 
Sara LookBook 



  1. Muito castiça esta TAG

  2. Gostei muito das tuas respostas.
    Realmente deve ser um bocadinho confuso para o teu marido abrirem as prendas à meia noite :)

    Muito obrigada pela nomeação querida! Se não te importares, vou te responder por email, sim? (vou já enviar).


  3. me ha gustado mucho este post!! un besazo! te espero en mi blog!

  4. I really enjoyed reading this post. I too like Home alone. Great post.


  5. Haha, christmas songs too get on my nerves when I hear them while shopping :p I thought I was the only one!! But it was so so good to know more about you! :) Just like you, even I love turkey for xmas :) <3

  6. I really in love with this post!!

  7. obrigado pela nomeação já respondi a esta tag a semana passada,,
