Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Wet Hairstyle

Tame your hair in the rain

If there’s one thing that really pisses me off during fall it’s the rain. The more I try I can never get my hair properly brushed in these days, no matter how many anti-frizz products I try.

So, the other day, when I came back home after a stupid rainy day, I remembered I had a wet looking effect gel that I’ve never used before.
The result was not exceptional but it wasn’t bad! Actually I kinda liked the style, it’s a cool way to tame our hair in these rainy days.

Have you ever tried it? I looked for some style pictures and I will try to do it again soon. 



  1. com este tempo, bem que dá jeito ;)


  2. Em apanhados acho que fica engraçado, no cabelo solto é daquelas coisas que fica super giro na runway mas depois no dia-a-dia...nem tanto! ;) Eu já experimentei o ano passado e depois o cabelo secou e ficou estranho: Faltava-me o gel! ;)

    beijinhos, Nádia
    My Fashion Insider
