Thursday, 2 October 2014

Just in: shopping in USA

Back from vacations in Chicago take a look at my shopping deals.


 It’s always exciting going back to the states, not only for the amazing country it is but also for the shopping deals we can find, special American brands that are always so more expensive here in Europe.

Chicago is not a cheap city but if you have a chance to go there, take a car to Indiana and go to the outlet malls, it’s worth it!
It was my first time in Chicago. Married with an American, every time we go to visit his family, I try to get to know a new place.
The city is amazing, beautiful and with a lot to visit. Check my shopping but also some pictures of the wonderful trip.

 This bag was the best find! It was marked 358 dollars and I bought for §90! Love it!

New Balance on sale for §49
I got these two fossil watches for §136! Everything was under 50%.
The bracelet set I bought in the plane for 39 bucks. It was my first duty free purchase in a flight.
I fell in love for this Old Navy t-shirt, only €11


And of course… Lots of peanut butter cups to give to my friends.

Chicago snapshots



  1. Uau! Pode ser uma de cada para mim, das coisinhas que compraste :p

  2. Que boas comprinhas!!!!


  3. I really like that T-shirt and bracelets. Great purchase.

