Thursday, 24 July 2014

Fifty Shades of Grey movie trailer – Finally!

Mr. Grey in a theater near you… pretty soon!

So, all the buzz today was about the so much expected trailer for the Fifty Shades of Grey movie.

It’s not consensual but most of us read the book or at least peek a couple of pages in the bookstore. I’m not going to write about the intellectual style of the writing, if it’s just a book for sexual frustrated woman or otherwise for crazy libertines, who cares? You like it or not!
Meanwhile all the buzz is about Mr Grey! As far as I read most of the readers don’t agree with the choice of the actor. They claim is not the Grey they imagined bla bla bla. Let me tell you girls, I think after the movie a lot of you will chance your opinion just because most of you don’t even know Jamie Dornan.
Jamie is super gorgeous, sexy, sensual and has that weakness look that is represented in the book. Check the trailer if you still didn’t and read a post I wrote a while ago about this super cute Northern Ireland actor  


  1. Eu acho que este é exactamente o Grey que eu imaginei! Antes de ler o livro fartei-me de criticar a escolha, muito sem saber do que falava, e imaginava uns quantos que eu achava bem mais giros; mas quando li, achei mesmo que o Jamie se enquadrava perfeitamente como Christian, e o trailer apenas o confirmou. Já a Anastasia, baaa, mas já seria de esperar.


    1. Por acaso tb acho o mesmo, mas estava tudo à espera de um alto loiro e todo musculado o que acabaria por ser ridiculo porque a descrição do livro não era nada disso. bjsss

  2. can't wait for the movie, the trailer is amazing!!

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