Thursday, 24 April 2014

Controversial Fashion Ads

Will you give up in a brand because of a bad ad strategy? Or will make you a buyer?

I always wonder how certain ads actually affect consumer buying. We all know that advertising is a very important issue, but what about when advertising breaks the barrier of what is “socially acceptable”?

If there are so many brands using controversial ads it’s probably because it works, even if the intention is more to be talked about than to sell. Actually does these ads work for sales increase? Or a brand just invests in this kind of marketing for brand recognition?

Whether through sex, religion, ethnicity, there are a lot of ads that create controversy. Are you positive or negative affected by these strategies?

To be honest, and in my case, I think it´s often unnecessary but if it’s a brand I really like and trust I don’t feel like I will dislike a product just because of a bad advertisement.

Check some of the controversial ads made in the past. If you know about any other that you remember or chocked you, let us know!









  1. Pessoalmente acho que a nossa liberdade acaba quando começa a dos outros, e acho que há marcas que por vezes vão longe demais.
    Ainda assim, concordo com o que dizes, se for uma marca em que confio, não deixo de confiar por isso. Mas também não ajudam na imagem da marca (pelo menos em relação a mim.

  2. If I found something to be morally wrong, I would not buy from them. For example, the photo above, glorifying cocaine to me is very distasteful. I wouldn't buy from them.
