Friday, 15 February 2013

Furry shoes

In fashion everything is possible and like it or not, wearable or not, fashion is also fun, breaking the rules, and making statements. That quote: “no matter if they talk good or bad important is being talked” normally works.

I was recently looking at some fashion shows and I was thinking how crazy the Celine furry shoes are. But, is it possible to say 100% “I won’t ever wear that!”? I really don’t know I’ve said it before and I end up being caught in my own words.
For now I can assure you I wouldn’t wear furry shoes at all!! I found a little creepy! But who knows right?



  1. I think as you! In fashion everything is possible! I love fur on boots, but on the sandal... (sure you stay hot in winter also!).Kisses Federcia from

  2. Oh my goodness, these are certainly unique. I think I like the fur on boots better than pumps! Have a great weekend!
    xo Dina
    Sweetest Somethings

  3. Eeeeeek! These are horrible! I'll give the ones with just trim (like the Lanvins) a break, but otherwise... ick! I don't think you'll see me wearing them anytime soon either!

  4. lovely, so original

  5. Born Of Frustration. Wooooowooooowoooowooo. Wooooowooooowoooowooo. All this frustration. I can't meet all my desires

  6. primeiro ainda tem de terminar o Salve Jorge la no Brasil.

  7. bem, a Globo sai toda borradinha desta historia...

  8. eu tinha medo de ser jornalista no brasil

  9. Oh my God its real, what a shoes!
